1. Stretch before and after

2. Sun protection is important too
3. Don't forget to stay hydrated...water water water

4. Feel free to stop momentarily for a good deed

5. ...or to pick a flower (hopefully your neighbors won't mind)

6. Then of course smell the roses...or in this case tulips (although tulips don't really smell)
7. Smile: it's good for your health, and good for others too

8. After you get finished walking, don't forget to stretch again. Now you'll be hungry so eat a healthy snack.
Going on a walk is great for your body and is also great for your mind and spirit too if you enjoy the process. Wonder why you feel better after you exercise? When you exercise your body releases good mood endorphins. If you are finding yourself stressed, depressed, PMSing, pregnant, or just plain cranky grab a water bottle and get outside for a brisk walk. You'll be glad you did (B vitamins are really helpful for balancing your moods too). Just don't forget to smell the roses (or tulips) along the way!
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