WHY: So if your family is anything at all like mine, you have some selective listening going on or just plain focus challenges. So here is what we do to shape em up...we play a game. A game? Yes, a game! It is much easier for kids to want to obey or listen when they actually enjoy doing it. Of course there are many times when they are gonna have to do something that they may not enjoy (chores, brushing teeth, homework, etc) but, make learning FUN!
SCENARIO: Kids are rowdy, or not listening, or not focusing, maybe even going really slow while working, or possibly even bored. Great time to play the "Simon Says" game or our version, "Mama Says". It's fun and I've found that after we are done playing, their focus and listening skills have improved enough to happily continue on with the day. Plus they can get a good amount of exercise in to help produce good mood endorphins, thus making it even easier for them to be pleasant (and double as PE if you are a home school mom).
EXAMPLES: "Mama says, jump up and down 10 times. Mama says, do 5 pushups. Mama says, spin in circles and jump on one foot. Lay Down. Mama, didn't say. Okay, Mama says, do 3 summersaults. Mama says roll onto your back. Do a bicycle with your feet. Mama didn't say. Okay Mama says, do 10 jumping jacks while kicking one leg out forward."
**Tip: The more active, goofier and complicated the more fun!
GAME VARIATION: I'll start doing this in the middle of the grocery store, department store, waiting in line at a restaurant too but I don't have make it as wild. The idea is for them to listen or focus not get out of control. Those times sound like this, "Mama says put your hands on your heads. Mama says touch your toes. Put your hands on your knee pits. Haha, Mama didn't say. Mama says put your hands on your hips and stand on one foot".
**See, they are not running or jumping but you're directing and they are listening and everybody is happy. Mission accomplished!
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