Most men spend a lot of time away from home, providing for you and your family. If you are a stay at home mom, this is even more important: Dress for your man! The way he sees you before he’s off to work is the last image of his bride before he hits a plethora of decisions. He is surrounded by others, women who are dressed and fresh, putting on their best face for who knows who. So you may not be all together in the morning but if you are freshened up when he comes home from work, it helps make up for the afro in the morning. When he comes home and is greeted by someone who cares enough to put herself together for her man, what a difference that makes to him.
Now I'm not saying men are superficial and they are gonna go out and have an affair simply because you are not always put together, I'm just challenging you make yourself something desirable to come home to. Remember marriage is about giving.
My thought, totally secure in the love of my marriage is this: I want the image in my husband’s head of me to be lovely.
It’s not hard, no matter what season you are in, to get dressed, put your hair up and put a dab of lipstick on, and don’t forget the perfume. If you don’t wear makeup, you probably have a little clear lip gloss somewhere (or get some and get a little mascara while you're at it). If you are truly al natural rub some coconut oil on your lips (while you’re at it rub some on your arms and legs too. Smooth silky skin is always a nice touch). You may love those comfy sweat pants but change them right before he walks through the door!
There is obviously plenty of time to let your hair down and to lounge together. I am simply encouraging you to honor him by attempting to look pleasing when he walks through that door. Put yourself in his shoes, would you like to come home to a man who looks sloppy and excuses it with all the drama he has faced during the day? I think not, I wouldn’t. So don't look haggard, even if you feel that way. You'll feel better when you put yourself together, I promise.
And one last tid bit...take a shower before you go to bed. You'll sleep better for one, but for two, it's so much easier to cuddle and be intimate when you feel and smell fresh. Also a shower can help wake you up a bit if you're tired or have had a long day. It's kinda a bummer when you are trying to have intimate time and you fall asleep. Ouch! Perfume is a nice touch before bed too. It helps make you feel fresh and sexy and it can help get his attention too. And one final thing, brush your teeth; make your breath fresh. I know that's like, "duh" but still, had to say it. Who likes to kiss someone who has bad breath. Not me!
Leave the excuses out of it, and fresh up. You’ll feel better about yourself and he will too! :) Love you Ladies!
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